Sunday, June 21, 2009

I lost

Oh well, guess I am Cat afterall

"Nothing had changed. Jule had said it: to be alive was to be disappointed.
You tried and failed and kept on trying, never knowing whether you'd ever get
what you wanted. But sometimes we get what we need.

Now I had everything to start over again, with even odds this time.
Only a fool would throw all that away.
This was the place where past and future came together:
I held them both in my hands. "

So now, I look to the future.

It is sad that it includes, leaving this country, possibly for good.

Nepotism and racial politics will kill this country.

I have finally given in. The best and the brightest, will leave for a place where they will be heard.
Where people are willing to listen, beyond prejudice and bias.

Only when we stop tearing at each other like crabs in a barrel will we realise, that the only way forward is to build on the foundations of our ancestors. Each generation.

To become a nation: a tightly-knit group of people which share a common culture.

"We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Game On

  1. First is the Earth Chakra, located at the base of the spine. It deals with survival, and is blocked by fear. Let your greatest fears become clear to you. You may be concerned for your survival, but you must let those fears go.
  2. Next is the Water Chakra, located in the abdomen. It deals with pleasure, and is blocked by guilt. Look at the guilt from your past that burdens you. Let them go, or they will poison your energy. Meditate and realize that these things happened for a purpose.
  3. Next is the Fire Chakra, located at the stomach. It deals with willpower, and is blocked by shame. Recognize the biggest dissapointments in yourself, and what you are ashamed of. Accept that these things happened.
  4. Now is the Air Chakra, located at the heart. It deals with love, and is blocked by grief. Lay all of your grief out in front of you. If you have lost someone close, you must realize love is a form of energy, and it swirls all around us. The love is still in your heart, and can be reborn in the shape of new love.
  5. Next is the Sound Chakra, located at the throat. It deals with truth, and is blocked by lies. The lies we tell ourselves. You must not lie about your own nature. Accept who you are.
  6. Up next: the Light Chakra, located at the forehead. It deals with insight, and is blocked by illusions. The biggest illusion of all is the illusion of separation. Things we think are separate are actually one and the same. Like the nations of the world: we are all one people, but we live as if divided.
  7. Last is the Thought Chakra, located at the crown of the forehead. It deals with pure cosmic energy, and is blocked by earthly attatchments. Meditate on what attatches you to this world. Let your emotions flow and be forgotten. You must unlock this chakra to gain your energy from the universe.
  8. Congratulations! You've unlocked all of the chakras! Now go show that Fire Lord Ozai who's boss!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


The chinese symbol for patience is knife through the heart.

Patience, he said, patience is a little like sticking a knife in your heart. It’s painful. It’s not what you’d do willingly.

Yet if you truly respect and love each other, it means you chose someone else to put first, even beyond your own wants and needs. And no, though it doesn’t stop hurting, it does get easier to let go of the selfishness keeping your wounds fresh and stinging every time you exercise patience.

I’m not going to enjoy the journey. No one’s keeping score along the way. The journey is the reward. Should I fail to find the joy in the now, should my patience stretch too thin to see the humor in today then I truly have failed.

The reality is we are in the here and now.

And to bring closure to this part of my journey, I have to go back to once more to the bargaining table.

The symbol for wisdom is the way between the mouth and the ear.

It's time to speak and to listen.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wishing blue skies

Here's wishing you the bluest sky
And hoping something better comes tomorrow
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the doubt and sadness
I know that better things are on their way.
Here's hoping that the days ahead
Won't be as bitter as the ones behind you
Be an optimist instead,
And somehow happiness will find you.
Forget what happened yesterday,
I know that better things are on their way.
It's really good to see you rocking out
And having fun,
Living like you've just begun.
Accept your life and what it brings,
I hope tomorrow you find better things.
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.
Here's wishing you the bluest sky
And hoping something better comes tomorrow
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the drudge and sadness
I know that better things are on the way.
I know you've got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
The past is gone, it's all been said.
So here's to what the future brings,
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.
I know tomorrow you'll find better things.

Time warp

What is really bothering me about this entire situation is that, for all intents and purposes it appears we are living in the 1950's.

How is that even possible?

Does anyone in this island understand the message of Obama.

Change can happen, but only if you are willing to embrace, risk.

The nepotism and racism is strangling this country.

We need to learn, to stand on the shoulders of giants.

To learn from our mistakes.

It is very costly to the hearts and souls of our people to keep repeating them.

What legacy do we give our children when we pander to the system.

Everyone tells me this is a fight I can't win.

It is the cycle. The way of life here.

I beg to differ.

I have the audacity to hope.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Back hurts

I am hoping that, that time of the month is coming.

I am feeling very down today, it is just as well as I have enough flexibility in the job to sit with the laptop in the garden to do it. Feel the sunlight, and watch my parrot preen himself.

Be thankful for small mercies.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Trini Girl Blue

The secret to the valley is to have a simple want that can be fulfilled.

I'm in the same place, but the good thing for me is that this is familiar territory. I know the landscape.

I have a sense of direction this time, I know where I am going.

So little want.

A day at the beach. Either Corpus Christi or better if I can swing it, a beach house for Labour Day weekend.

A night spent listening to the sound of the ocean.
A day spent watching at awe at its vastness.
Knowing that it connects me to some distant shore elsewhere.

A glimmer of hope in the horizon.

The Child - Me

And when I die and when I'm dead, dead and gone,
there'll be one child born and a world to carry on, to carry on.
I'm not scared of dying and I don't really care.
If it's peace you find in dying, well, then let the time be near.
If it's peace you find in dying, when dying time is here,
just bundle up my coffin cause it's cold way down there,
I hear that's it's cold way down there, yeah, crazy cold way down there.
And when I die and when I'm gone,
there'll be one child born and a world to carry on, to carry on.
My troubles are many, they're as deep as a well.
I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell.
Swear there ain't no heaven and pray there ain't no hell,
but I'll never know by living, only my dying will tell,
only my dying will tell, yeah, only my dying will tell.
And when I die and when I'm gone,
there'll be one child born and a world to carry on, to carry on.
Give me my freedom for as long as I be. All I ask of living is to have no chains on me.
All I ask of living is to have no chains on me,
and all I ask of dying is to go naturally, only want to go naturally.
Don't want to go by the devil, don't want to go by the demon,
don't want to go by Satan, don't want to die uneasy, just let me go naturally.
And when I die and when I'm gone, there'll be one child born, there'll be one child born.
When I die, there'll be one child born. When I die, there'll be one child born.
When I die, there'll be one child born. When I die, there'll be one child born.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Living Legacy two

If you are only attempting to imitate the parent.

You are destined to fail.

At some point, your own self identity. Combined of both parents, if you were lucky enough to have them.

Other parental influences.


Will finally be distilled into your own self identity.

Know yourself.

The secret to success.


I am a living legacy

An only child alone and wild
A cabinet maker’s son
His hands were meant for different work
And his heart was known to none

He left his home and went his lone
And solitary way
And he gave to me a gift I know
I never can repay

A quiet man of music
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But his music wouldn’t wait

He earned his love through discipline
A thundering, velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand

The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
And his song is in my soul

My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I’m just a living legacy
To the leader of the band

My brothers’ lives were different
For they heard another call
One went to Chicago
And the other to St Paul

And I’m in Colorado
When I’m not in some hotel
Living out this life I’ve chose
And come to know so well

I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go

I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And, pap, I don’t think
I said, "I love you" near enough

The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
And his song is in my soul

My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I’m just a living legacy
To the leader of the band

I am the living legacy
To the leader of the band.