Monday, June 30, 2008

100th post

Wow, OK this is officially my longest lasting blog. The others usually died before this.

Haven't been blog reading much, mostly because I have been reading books. I read by vaps. One month it is like a book a day, then I don't read for months.

Haven't been to the Logos as yet, but they aren't good for fiction books, but might have some non-fiction bargains.

Now that the school term is over I have six hours a week extra, need to find something constructive to do with them. Thinking about taking up sowing. Never mind my friends who laugh. The best deal I have found is a $700 Brother at Standard.

The variance on small appliances like this is enormous in this country, mostly because of the large number of small resellers.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Littlest Hobo

I'm bored at work. It's not there is not a lot of work to do, but I have passed the learning curve. Now it's just a bunch of nonsensical bureaucracy. So I am vaguely looking to move, not something better necessarily just different.

It is my greatest weakness this instinct to flee. To unroot myself and look for a thermal to catch.

Primary School - Didn't change school, but essentially became part of the class I took lessons with at another school.
Secondary School - Changed school in the middle of lower six- turned out to be a good move.
University - Dropped out in the middle of final year, completed a different final year programme the next academic year.

Since then I have as many jobs in as many years.

There's a voice
That keeps on calling me
Down the road
That's where I'll always be

Friday, June 20, 2008

yuh is a trini when.....

• Yuh get ‘licks’ with a guava whip.

• Yuh could name three kinds of mango.

• Yuh know how to scootch somebody.

• Yuh use to collect FRICO milk toys.

• Yuh know how to brakes a fall with a drink in yuh hand.

• Yuh could point with yuh mouth.

• Yuh could make chow with anything………anything!

• Yuh know how to storm a party.

• Yuh have a ‘jep ness’ in de gallery.

• Yuh get sting by de same ‘jep’ and try to kill the ‘jep’ with a broom and get sting again!

• Yuh drink anything with ice in it.

• Yuh EAT the ice when yuh finish the drink.

• Yuh eat doubles for breakfast on a Sunday morning or any morning.

• Yuh does bite up chicken bone then spit it out on the plate even if eating out.

• Yuh eat bread and condensed milk.

• Yuh does call any hot drink ‘tea’.

• Yuh does say “boy” at the start of a sentence.

• Yuh does say “man” at the end of the sentence. So the person grow up between de sentence ent?

• Yuh does get “vex” and not angry.

• Yuh does call any vaccination an “injection”.

• Yuh once own a bata or a 'flame' to go to school and coast them.

• “ENT” means yes, no, really, true etc.

• yuh mother does make de best sweetbread and pelau.

• Yuh father beat yuh for no reason. (abuse) and when yuh cry he ask “what yuh crying for?”

• Yuh shorten sentences by saying “whayuhsaying” and “whahappening”.

• Fellas, yuh flirt by having a foolish grin while raising yuh eyebrows.

• Yuh know what is de meaning of “dotish”

• Yuh own a cutlass.

• Yuh break biche at least once in yuh life.

• For you rain is a good excuse to miss school and work. Yuh could be living on a hill and somehow the place get flood out.

Yuh know what a macko is....

Yuh don't like when a macko minding yuh business but yet you guilty of mackoing...... dont lie! yuh know yuh fas!

Yuh guilty of saying at least one of these expressions on a daily basis: 'waaay boy', 'dread', 'for real', 'nah man', 'stop it nah', 'scene', 'yuh done know', 'daz my one', 'wham to she boy'

Monday, June 16, 2008

Not quite

Spoke a little soon, the rains aren't quite here. But I've already planted so I am committed. The guvament corn seed are growing quite nicely. Also planting sorrel for the first time. Cane season is almost gone. Pigeon peas is still fruiting he must be confused.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The rains have come

Oh how very special are we
For just a moment to be
Part of life, eternally

Oh how very special are we
To have on our family tree
Mother Earth and Father Time

He turns the seasons around
And so she changes her gown
But they always look in their prime

Monday, June 9, 2008

The truth spoken

Sometimes the truth behind a situation continues to defy logic until someone else verbalises what has been eluded you for ages. Unfortunately in this case if proved to be true, there are very serious consequences.

If anyone who reads this knows of an agency who successfully conducts drug interventions, please leave a comment.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

One of our sons is missing

That was quite good.

I am going to admit the first words I asked my only openly HIV positive friend were "What are you doing here?"

It is only due to his great sense of humour, we became friends.

We were in second year university and he was talking about going to the clinic and I am there like what clinic. That's the real bother about having a chronic disease you spend a lot of time at doctor's.

Anyway S took a double take when I asked the question and so I explained "I don't mean why do you exist, I mean what are you doing here, bothering with all this, why are you in university" And in my little head I am thinking what a waste of resources - to educate someone who is dying.

Well S taught me. We are all dying. Every one of us.
And how can you deny a bright young person of any sexual persuasion the opportunity to broaden their mind.
HIV doesn't kill in months like in the play, but in years. Some people are even living over 20 years with the drugs we have now.

So after you spend some time moping and waiting for death to come take you, you might as well use your remaining time doing something productive.

I have since lost touch with S. But I hope..NO I KNOW he is out there touching other people the way he touched me.

Thank you S. I am a better person for having known you.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Must remember

Never to try shopping downtown on the monday after a month end long weekend. It was absolutely horrendous.

Too many people and the shops were only starting to restock.

I'm going to wait til Friday or later til I try again.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Random thoughts

We'll see if the guvament corn seeds grow.

There is something very wrong with our attitude towards Hope's killer.

It's a whole three weeks til the next holiday.

At last I can text the green team.

Someone should send an SAS team after the Lord's Army leader.