Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Guardian BRIC Fund

14.6% in 3 months.

Unrealised capital gain, but never the less I am quite pleased at that.

He may stay despite Trinidad Jurisdiction.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My pension plan

Seeing as I don't have confidence in this Maniac de la PNM I need a vehicle to move my money out of this doomed economy and attempt to preserve some wealth.

Anyone who thinks the UTC and it's Energy fund is anything but a mechanism for Maniac to get more of your money to do tief, is deluded.

So how do you do it.

Simple decided how much you are willing to risk in this crap currency- my personal limit is three times my monthly income and nada mas.

The rest I will be syphoning off to a foreign currency denominated but locally domiciled product. In my case SavInvest US Income and Bourse Euro Money Market. These are the two highest yielding products for instant access on the market at present. at 5.75 and 3.7 respectively.

From there on accumulation of the minimum to deposit lumpsums into my offshore pension fund (Skandia), hopefully every six months.

And that will be my pension fund.

Not one of the crappy annuity products offered by Tatil, Guardian, Clico & co denominated in TT Dollars which will lose value as I breathe.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

David Attenbough is loony

I just watch Climate Change on BBC.

Yeah right, in a country that is numero cinco on the list of CO emission per capita I think not.

May as well drive my car and waste all I want.

I have cheap gas for at least the next year, too bad I can't drink petrol. Cheapest food.... Actually that might be an idea.

Policia Nos Matan

I really did intend Policia Nos Matan as a joke. No really, whatever my grouses with the still current administration, in the time honoured Trini style of picong, I set up Policia Nos Matan.

The sad thing is the police have killed two people in the three days I started the lista de asesinados.

Now I have heard the rumours just like everyone else that the police are also responsible for the kidnapping. Indeed I remember it being confirmed somewhere that people are in fact being kidnapped in police cars, never to be heard of again.

That is the difference between a secuestro y un desaparecido, a desaparecido is when the government makes you disappear.

I am reading Imagining Argentina, I fail to comprehend how an entire society can decide to become blind "Debe ser por algo", even as I am witnessing it with my own eyes.

It's not just Cabybara that cross the Gulf.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I got the idea from watching the videos from Argentina memoria on my other blog .

That and Mango and Mosquito dubbing the PNM - Pretty Nasty Members.

I have a better one Policia Nos Matan . It means Police are killing us.

Strangely enough I did not think that on the first day that I would be able to link to a news article for which the statement is true.

I think about the $4 Billion in the military budget for 2007.

Yo nací aquí y aquí voy a morir

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Las resultas

Ahora me necesito escribir en español por que en español me necesito pensar sin emotivo.

Las resultas no me suprime en realidad. Una encendida de espera he muerdo.

Veinte Diez nos llegáramos!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Malaysian Scholarship for Trinidadians

Deadline is 31 Dec 2007.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

He he he


I see someone noticed where we are.

And no smelters as yet.

Saturday, November 3, 2007