Saturday, January 31, 2009

Game Plan

After the panic subsides, it's time to form the game plan.

The game now is capital preservation. Time to rebalance portfolios and reassess risk ratings.

Rule number 1. Take care of yourself first. A financial advisor is of no use if they are worried about themselves, subliminally affecting their decisions.

Rule number 2. Don't panic. In a market this small it is easy to crash the system. I need to have my game face ready by monday, which means I have to sort myself out.

New currency distribution - 33% in foreign currency. Had this underlying rule but given poor rate of return, got greedy and overbalanced on the TT side.

Rule 3 - Obey your best rule of thumb.

Rule 4 - Even spread TT risk between institutions, overbalanced on this as well. See rule 3.

Alright time frame

Carnival is here, whilst diminished there should be enough FOREX flowing in the system for my purposes. So rebalance by carnival.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese Curse

May you live in exciting times

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Last year, work sent me on the stupid Dale Carnegie Leadership Training.

Total waste of time.

I am always surprised that leadership exists within me, since it only comes out in crisis....

You find that the ride is getting kind of bumpy,

Realise that the driver is losing control,

Look around

Shout for help

And no one arrives....

What do you do ?

I guess I'm it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A jump into the Abyss

Years ago, in university, a group of us pooled together to buy a friend the gift of a bungee jump. She turned it down, company was nice we got a refund and had drinks but at the time I couldn't understand why she didn't want to do it.

Now facing the figurative abyss, I understand what she must have felt.

Even though you are prepared and there are safety ropes, there are still risks associated with taking the plunge.

It's even more precarious because I have to do a tandem jump.

I don't know if I want him to say yes or no.

I would probably be somewhat relieved if he says no.

Either way, here we go.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stopping a rolling boulder

This is going to hurt.

But I feel the need to make an attempt.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today was a real viekevie day.

I mean it was like impossible to keep focus, anywhere.
Too much competing, conflicting information.

Tomorrow afternoon's meeting is going to be much fun.

Leadership cannot be taught, it must be learned.

Here comes the plunge.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Just because you are on a well trodden path, doesn't mean it leads to where you want to go.

This year is the big 3 0.

So what have I accomplished?

I've learned
to love and to let go
to fight and to look before rushing into the fray
to keep a dream in the field of vision, but not be afraid to pass by a road that seems to lead to it
that sometimes courage is confronting the known rather than the unknown

I wouldn't be who I am now, if things had been different.

And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Drip Drip Drip

Apparently flow has a clog somewhere, so it has been drip, drip, drip, drip.

Time to catch up on some other activities. But I just had to say this.

You see that "advanced" decay body they found today.

He no doubt died last year.

I put the real count at 1,000.
545 + 15% (unfound bodies) = 627 + 373 (missing)

Still I don't feel unsafe day to day, maybe I'm oblivious but it was sunny today.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Things to look forward to in 2009.

Hopefully the project I am working on will come to an end, so I can move on.

K gets to progress to the next level.

I find a new extracurricular come July.

I find something to invest in.