Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 8, 2008

I am going to work tomorrow.

Well, short of Inshan getting arrested under the terrorism bill again.

Why, because I don't know what exactly we are protesting.

I am not for this general protest thing, it is too oanti.
At some point you have to stop being anti and start being for something.
The opposition still hasn't figured out what they are for.

So if you invited me to

  1. Remove VAT from fast food/ food preparation enterprises.
    I do not want to pay VAT on my KFC. I might support you.

  2. Come take part in some guerrilla planting on some state lands, with trees, ie stuff that would provide food but not require lots of aftercare like breadfruit. I would come with spade in hand.
But to stay home- in this weather and do what exactly? No that does help. I'll do more good helping ALTA register students on Tuesday.

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