I am going to make some real racist comments in this post. If you are easily offended desist now.
Having spent a couple of hours reading Kenyan Blogs, despite the fact that the view "is limited to a particular socio-economic group (upper to middle class)" as Mango so elegantly puts it. I conclude.
The upper/middle class is generally tribeless, classful but tribeless. That is clear from the scorn at which some described the post-election violence in December. - It was the people in the shanty towns killing themselves over the scraps.
It's like the railway people in Longdenville, decide the PNM didn't win the election fairly and decided to go on rampage of all the African homes in the area. The Lange Park people don't care.
Then the president who took power refused to send the military in because he was too scared that the generals would take power for themselves.
So keeping in mind that the crime situation had been worsening for some time the Africans decided that they had to go out and get justice for themselves. And so they did. With no operational government mayhem ensued.
Kenya had a coup in 1982, the issues underlying the unrest were never addressed, so as one right-wing commenter crassly put it, Africa is like a woman who must bleed periodically when she doesn't get enough %@*&.
Have we addressed what caused the coup in 1970? and when all hell breaks loose will the international community label it as civil "tribal/racial" strife.
I end with Mzalendo's comments(amended):
The fallacious logic is as follows
I hate Ramesh;
Ramesh is Indian;
therefore I hate Indians.
Is that logical? Would we not be closer home if we argued,
I hate Ramesh;
Ramesh is a politician;
therefore I hate politicians.
The Way of the World [Song]
5 years ago
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